I've been messing around with The Secret World again. But I know it's going back into limbo at the end of March.
I've been messing around with The Secret World again. But I know it's going back into limbo at the end of March.
I just got a 15 day sub for eve, man that game is svcky, or hard to play. so far have done all the tuts but now im just sitting in a station learning skills. Not worth the money. Think tomm im just going to age of conan or dayz SA
just been playing league of legends like i normally do
lol i get on for about 10 minutes per day and snipe someone, but then i log off. Not much to do besides hunting gear after dying, or just hunting people.
I've been bored of other games for the last couple months. Bought a new vid card that came with assassins creed, splinter cell, and batman, all the latest ones and couldn't only stomach about an hour of each of them. There's a fun f2p game called path of exile, but I'm burnt out till march on that one, month of that should tide me over a little. My boredom kind of inspired me to preorder eso, I was contemplating it before but only really wanted to play after it came out and friends liked it, but since I have nothing better at the moment I'm excited about eso. Some things have me thinking it will have issues after a couple months, but I am hoping the devs do a better job than I expect and this game lasts a long time.
Took me 1 week to come back to Skyrim, but I can't stop thinking in ESO lol.
I am playing league of legends, I really don't want to wait 5 weeks :/ riots servers are horrible atm... wait they are always horrible.
I don't even have kids to keep me occupied!
But yeah this forum is like a support group to get me through this rough patch
Neverwinter.. I gave the bastards $200 before release hoping for something decent, and living up to the name, but got a [censored] cartoon with [censored] quests, [censored] gear, [censored] animations, [censored] character movement engine, and constant spam by [censored] gold/AD/key spammer. So I will make them suffer with my bitter existence. Tried Tera, what a piece of crap. Uninstalled before I made it through the first cut scene.
Playing F1 2013 mucho too.
I was fine playing Final Fantasy 14 till I played ESO beta for the first time last beta weekend. It pretty much killed any desire I had to play FF14. All I can think of now is different builds I want to make in ESO.
Been recording minecraft videos to help keep my mind off ESO but it doesn't help when I am at work haha.
I was feeling like that, but then ANet nuked the main city of GW2. Like, just now.
GW2 will keep me busy, at least for this week, it seems.
Maybe I will play some Pokémon later.
I shouldn't have played the beta AHHHHH WHY DID YOU GIVE ME A KEY ZENI!!!
Mass Effect 3 and Witcher 2 I didn't get around to completing them both, Needless to say I'm addicted to both and they're consuming quite a bit of my time right now.
Path of Exile. it's a fun distraction and is actually a very good F2P model. And believe me, I detest the F2P model, so that is very high praise. It's a Diablo clone, but it's more like Diablo 1 or 2
Even while playing that I still tab out constantly to read this board. ESO is dominating my gaming thoughts.
The only thing I do is do my job, take overtime so the clock ticks less while waiting................................ 30+ more days to go.. yesterday it was only 42 days! time flies so slowly this days.
Heh, not with my backlog of games. Between my PC, PS2, PS3, Vita, PS4, and Gamecube I got so many damn game to catch up with I can never complain about being bored. And considering that my backlog conist of RPGs for the most part, I'll be busy pretty much for the indefinite future.