Damn, first time I see a video of wildstar... I have to say it's damn ugly...
BTW, in ESO, emotes like /dance are different for each race
But keep in mind that all races in ESO are humanoids that move basically in the same way, not some squirrel or whatever that is.
/angry /cuckoo /handtoheart /pointdown /situps /annoyed /curtsey /headache /pointleft
/sleep /applaud /dance /headscratch /pointright /stagger /approve /dancedrunk /heartbroken
/pointup /stop /armscrossed /disapprove /hello /poke /stretch /beckon /disgust /huh /pour
/surprised /beg /dismiss /humble /pray /surrender /beggar /doom /impatient /preen /tap
/bestowblessing /downcast /jumpingjacks /push /taunt /bless /drink /kiss /pushup /thank
/blowkiss /drum /kneel /pushups /thanks /boo /drunk /kneelpray /rally /thankyou /bored
/dustoff /knock /ritual /threaten /bow /eat /kowtow /rubhands /thumbsdown /breathless
/exasperated /laugh /rude /thumbsup /brushoff /facepalm /leanback /saluteloop /tilt
/bucketsplash /faint /leanside /scared /torch /celebrate /fistpump /leaveme /scratch
/touch /cheer /flirt /lol /search /twiddle /clap /flute /lute /shakefist /wagfinger /cold /followme
/me /shh /wand /come /goaway /no /shieldeyes /wave /comehere /grats /nod /shout
/welcome /confused /greet /overhere /shovel /whisper /congrats /hail /payme /shrug
/whistle /congratulate /hammer /phew /sick /write /controlrod /hammerlow /playdead /sigh
/yawn /cower /hammerwall /point /sit /yes /crouch /handsonhips /pointback /sitchair /you /cry
Those are emotes in ESO, I see no reasons to complain