Topic. I kind of do and kind of don't understand what I'm supposed to do to get this to work, but just as an example:
FredUtilScr Property FredSlime Auto
This should work to access the script FredUtilScr. And later on,
x = FredSlime.GetNeatThings(akActor)
should work to run that function (GetNeatThings) in script FredUtilScr and return the resulting value as x. I get it. In fact, these are basically lines ripped from a preexisting script from an entirely different mod which already makes use of FredUtilScr. My problem is that putting either of those lines in my script results in no compile. Fair enough, I tell myself, maybe CE wants me to load up the relevant .esm / .esp etc. Nope, that doesn't cut it either. I'm missing something important here, and as is often the case, the CE wiki seems to be written more or less from the assumption that folks have a much better foundation (say, from years and years of Elder Scrolls modding).
That's question #1. Why won't it compile when I add a line which ostensibly just references a script or function external to my script?
Question #2 is related: I assume I won't have to specifically slave my mod to anything besides Skyrim.esm. I'm trying to make it so my mod checks for the existence of mod#2, and if it finds it, fine, it tries instituting FredSlime, but if it doesn't find it, it instead does functions which do not rely upon FredUtilScr. The idea is that the user may or may not have/want mod#2. If I slave my mod to mod#2, then the user will have to also use mod#2 or things won't work. Is that about right or am I way off base?