I'm fixing to put together my first modded install of skyrim. I played the vanilla game quite sometime back but decided to let it sit a while and let mods develop well before I came back to it. I'm a vetaran of modding oblivion but I know things have changed some with skyrim, frankly things look a little earier.
Basically I right now I am just trying to get together a list of mods I am going to want to use. I have a good idea of how I want to change the game I just need to find what to install and what is going to play well together.
First my system specs
Intel Core I7 3820 3.6ghz
16GB Ram
Windows 7 Professional 64bit
I feel like my system should be able to handle quite a bit, I played the vanilla game on a 4 year older system nearly completely maxed so I would think this one should be able to handle a fair bit extra on the graphics side.
Essentially I am looking at starting with the Realvision ENB setup, quite like how this looks, someone recently made a video for ease into installation of the full setup of mods for it but they may very well have an even more updated version done before I get to installing things so I will be reviewing whatever lastest version is then. Would like some opinion for anyone who has used the realvision enb combination and performance hit thereof.
Gameplay wise I am looking to sort of FCOM the game. My biggest problems with skyrim were repetitive enemies thats locations were too predictable such as just way too many draugr. Also with oblivion I use to like to play a battle mage type character, sword and shield with magic as a long range approach attack or to go against ranged enemies. This became really difficult to manage in skyrim vanilla, the two hand system made swapping in and out a shield to spell cumbersome at best and destruction magic just way too weak to use. I am quite fond of having lots of unique weapons and armor to be found, I don't like just going from steel to dwemer to ebony, etc then having nothing much else. I spent half of the vanilla game using dragonsbane because there was little else to be found that fit my character better. I don't really care about crafting or enchanting, I like finding increasingly stronger and different stuff through the game to ultimately finding really special unique equipment. Like in Fcom with oblivion finding the pieces of different armours from really strong leaders of factions. I'd also like to install whatever quality quest mods that can be found.
So my current mod list is looking something like this right now
Real Vision ENB
- Ruins Clutter Improved
- Cinematic Fire Effects 2 HD
- Skyfalls and Skymills
- Static Mesh Improvement mod
- Skyrim HD 2k textures Landscape, Dungeons, Towns, Misc
- Skyrim HD 2k textures Riften
- Vivid Landscapes All in One
- AMidianBorn Caves
- Detailed Rugs
- Skyrim Floral OVerhaul
- Grass On Steroids
- Natural Grass Texture Floor
- TreesHD Skyrim Variation
- High Definition Ivy
- Realistic Water Two
- Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two
- Optional lanscape textures from pure waters
- Moss Rocks
- Dust Effects
- Realistic Smoke and Embers
- Project Reality Climates of Tamriel
- Supreme Storms For Climates of Tamriel
- CLimates of Tamriel Weather Patch
- Realistic Lighting Overhaul
Real Vision ENB
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Immersive Armours
A quality World Map With Roads
Cloaks of Skyrim
Immersive Weapons
Moon Glow
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim
I'm considering Skyrim redone as well as interesting npcs.