I love the fact that you can do real damage with "white damage"
Shouldn't be useless to swing a big two handed sword
Shouldn't really call it "auto" attack though. You have to click the mouse buttons yourself to do the attack so its not auto. Call it default or mouse attacks or weapon attack or something but auto just doesn't make sense.
Anyways yeah the default weapon attacks are meant to be useful and not just filler for when you are low on resources and waiting to regen.
Normal Attacks should always be useful in any game
it would be really silly to have a first person game with auto attacks lol. the standard attacks still have value, while the mana/stamina based attacks are your situational abilities, like closing distance, CC, and super high dps "power" shots.
im looking forward to this system in an mmo, i think it will make pvp much more engaging. even though i really like the pvp system of WOW i think this system will be a very exciting, and needed change.
The standard attacks are going to be the MAIN source of damage for a lot of people, which is sweet.
That's one of many things people will have to get used to in this game. Abilities are mostly utility, not damage. Their use is situational.