Argonian Racials make no sense.

Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:33 am

According to the official race description on the ESO website:

"The Argonians are possessed of a cool intellect, and are well-versed in the magical arts, stealth, and the use of blades. They are also guerilla warfare experts, long accustomed to defending their borders from invaders. They often serve as the scouts and skirmishers for the forces of the Pact."

So... they're good at magic, stealth and use of blades. Which is to say, they should get bonuses to Magicka, Steath and either 1h, 2h or DW swords.

Instead they get bonuses to:

Health (not Magicka)

Staff (not blades)

Incoming heals (not stealth)

So instead of "stealthy scouts", Argonians are poised to be "staff-wielding tanks". I don't see any other race for which the racials are so completely opposite of what the race is supposed to be. Whether or not racials are powerful is not much issue. My issue is that these racials simply don't AT ALL represent the Argonian race as it is described.

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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:41 pm

I think you misunderstand.

They have a "cool intellect" according to other races, meaning they're dumb as bricks and cant tell the difference between a knife and a staff or health and magicka. The latter part of the description clearly mean they are cannon fodder.

But sssssh, dont tell them they're dumb. They get sad. A sad lizard is even worse than a cat.

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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:54 am

I agree. I am disappointed that they don't have stealth specialization. I always prefer stealthy Argonians, and their Morrowind/Oblivion stats plus their substantial presence in the thieves/assassins guilds recommended them as suitable for agility-based caracters.

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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:46 am

Let haters be haters. Even dev haters. I'll still play Argonian. It bothers me less since I play healers anyway, but they definitely missed getting anything close to their description.

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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:05 pm

I LoL'ed :banghead:

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Angel Torres
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:54 pm

As a fan of Argonians since Morrowind (Wasn't in the ES games before then), they onyl had the Waterbreathing and Resistance to Disease as the norm for special abilities. The Immunity to poisons was removed in Skyrim.

BUT! They were always a bit of a jack-of-all trades. Originally spears were the thing for them, unforunately, without that, they fell off for any real conbat-based things. The females, however, are known as the mystics. They have a blend of benefits for Illusion, Mysticism and Restoration from the other games. Admittedly I think their passives should be as follows:

Keep things the Poison and Disease Resistance and Swim Speed. Combine them to one, which is the BASIC and UNCHANGING racial part.

So Swampdweller could be the name and +Swim Speed, + Disease resistance, ++ Poison resistance

Then give them something magic related, since no illusion is in general (Nightblade? Some Mages Guild perks?) and Mysticism (Soul Magic?) is not really an option for advancement, I would say to keep the +15% to restoration staff, since that is the most specific it can get, as all races have a +15% skill-gain benefit.

As for the other things, I think that there should be a racial for the sneaking. Similar to the Khajiit's +stealth radius, but we need a second addition, maybe +damage or +crit while sneaking? Since that could mark the sneak benefit of skyrim as well as the illusion benefit of Morrowind and Oblivion (Since their sneaking seems magic-based as opposed to the natural abilities, but missing the illusion tree, you know)

The last one I am not sure of. Maybe something to show their own heartiness as well? +Health Regen seems to make sense, But not sure otherwise.

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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:39 am

In terms of solving it, they probably should get Stealth instead of either health pool or incoming heals. And obviously the staff needs to change to one of the blades. XP bonus makes little difference, but they're CLEARLY described as "blade" experts, so it would make most sense.

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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:41 am

Quinz hinted at why they've not had as clearly defined racials as the others. They started out with the whole spears and chameleon (through illusion) buffs, both of which have been ripped from the series. Any back-up set starts to overlap with others.

Of course they could have avoided this by keeping spears and chameleon in the game... just sayin'... :yes:

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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:01 am

How about you learn some lore, and after that start a crusade?

Oblivion argonians stats




+10 Agility and Speed
-10 Willpower, Endurance, and Personality


+10 Intelligence
-10 Endurance and Personality


+10 Athletics and Security
+5 Alchemy, Blade, Hand to Hand, Illusion, and Mysticism


Argonian Disease Resistance ability : Resist Disease 75% on Self, constant
Argonian Poison Immunity ability : Resist Poison 100% on Self, constant
Argonian Water Breathing ability Water Breathing on Self, constant

Skyrim argonians stats


Resist Disease ability : Your Argonian blood is 50% resistant to disease, constant.
Waterbreathing ability : Your Argonian lungs can breathe underwater, constant.
Histskin greater power : Invoke the power of the Hist to recover health ten times faster for 60 seconds, once per day.

In addition, they do +6 damage in unarmed combat

+10 Lockpicking
+5 Alteration, Light Armor, Pickpocket, Restoration, Sneak

Only weapon skill line argonians ever have was: blades, hand to hand and restoration. There is no no single weapon, and unarmed skill line in TESO so restoration staff bonus is FINE and LORE friendly

Sneaking bonuses on argonians was always laughable - if anything they should get Lockpicking skill - that grant 15% more time on lockpicking timer :D

Also both swiming speed and potion boost skill should be removed - instead "Waterbreathing" should be added. cos mah Lore


so you think that argonians should have like 50 random bonuses just because? keep dreaming pal

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sam westover
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:51 am

I did. The ESO lore on Argonians is quoted in my post and taken directly from the Elder Scrolls Online front page. If it's not correct according to you, I suggest you take that up with the developers and not with me.

I couldn't care less about what argonians were like in other games and what abilities they had. We're talking about THIS game.

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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:27 am

No need to be so aggressive, Kemono. The quote was pulled directly from the TESO page, as in the most current "vision" of the TES world. A description of scouting, blades, and stealth doesn't really conjure up images of resto staff wielding with zero bonuses to stealth.

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Paul Rice
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:11 pm

I can't agree with trading out health for stealth. Granted Argonians have the whole Shadowscale thing, but that's not a common "racial' thing as it's only the ones born under the Shadow. Health has been part of the Argonians main trait. They are quick to heal from the benefits of the licking the Hist. Then you have disease and poison resistance, which is a common trait among the Argonians.

Then they get bonuses to potion effects. If the Alchemy craft is close to the versatility form the past releases of the series, that is a big boost for fortify potions.

All and all, I'm rather content with them and look forward to making an Argonian alchemist.

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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:23 am

First of all - its Teso, not Eso

For example

Second - belive it it or not - this is not a game placed in a "void", but instead they are heavily based on Elder Scrolls Universe Lore.

Even if they put some short racial descriptions on main page -they are not binding and not important

Racial bonuses from earlier games (suprise: argonians almost always have exact same bonuses) are lore based, and they are way more valid then some descriptions

But i admit that "Quick to mend" is really strange skill, esp on argonians

And im not agresive :D

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Trey Johnson
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:34 am

Yes, but past games are also not binding and not important. Especially since former bonuses no longer exist in the series. Look at Morrowind. Bonus to athletics, spears, unarmored, illusion. Lore cannot stay consistent if the games don't stay consistent.

Overall, TESO's isn't too far off. Extra healing on them is representative of former "regeneration" bonuses. And of course the disease/poison resists, bonus to alchemy, swimming. The resto staff bonus was quite obviously placed as a "well no other race has resto bonus yet, so this is what's left".

It isn't so much that TESO fails to accurately match up the idea of Argonian passives, but more that those passives don't exist in the game so they were given second-place prizes. I don't agree with them being traditional stealth characters (i.e., Khajiit), but stealthy through other means, such as illusion magic such as the former chameleon spell.

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Michael Korkia
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:39 pm

What they really need is water breathing... er ;)

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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Wed Feb 19, 2014 8:29 pm

Well, you can keep going to unofficial source if you like, but the official site is "" you know "ESO". Not that i care either way about abbreviations. I've used both. If you're confused by what game i'm referring to when i say "ESO", then let me be 100% clear: i am referring to game. Me, i have no problem understanding what you mean, regardless of which abbreviation you choose to use, so you're welcome to continue using the one of your choice.

As far as Lore goes, while it doesn't exist in a vacuum, it is defined by the specific game you're playing. If the developers decided that in ESO, Argonians are now monkeys instead of lizards, then acording to lore, they're going to be monkeys. When I look up lore for a game, i follow the lore of THAT game, not other games or books that it may be based on.

As far as I understand, ESO is not set at the same time as those other games were set in, so it's not the same thing. Perhaps instead of attacking me for following the official lore that has been released, you should read it yourself and if you have a strong opinion about it not being faithful to previous games, then you should provide that feedback to the developers.

I am simply going by the lore that is provided by ESO, you on the other hand are going by lore found in past games that may not be in any way relevant at all.

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