Alright, here's the deal.
I've got about 1500 hours into 16 characters on Skyrim. Each of them is as completely unique and fully realized as I can make them, it terms of personality (as much as the game will allow), direction, motivation, and equipment.
Due to some things I've read in reviews for ESO (regarding the inability to help others with instances you've already completed), coupled with not wanting to be far above or below the level of those close to me I'll be playing with (boyfriend, roommate, etc), I can see myself creating more than one character. One for general group play when the three of us are together (we've agreed on the Daggerfall Convenant), and one other for when I'm playing 'alone' (only playing with people I meet online), with a different faction for a change of pace.
Given the nature of the three-way conflict (and presumably related in-game drama that may unfold), would two different characters belonging to two different factions cast some sort of suspicion on me, or violate some sort of informal gamer code, or is it no big thing?