Hi, here is my problem! please help me!
I played in my pc skyrim for a while but now I did a format, so I installed skyrim again but I have some problems that I don't know to fix.
There is some kind of lag, stuttering or something when I move the mouse. Doesn't matter if I'm moving or if I'm not moving, if I move the mouse slow or faster looking arroung, the screen isn't smooth there is some kind of lose-frame, stuttering, lag i don't know how to call it.
This happens all time, but is worst if I move diagonally. When I'm moving the character and moving the mouse the result is horrible and annoying.
I Tryed everything I can, turning on/off Vsync, MouseAccelerator, Ipresetinterval, set frames to X number, low details, high details, turning on/off AA etc, nothing worked for me.
The PC isn't the problem should be fine even in ultra, besides some time ago skyrim works perfect in the same pc but not now. Drivers are not the problem ether, all working fine and updated. There is no mouse problem, skyrim is the only game that give me this huge problem.
Someone know what's happen and how I fix it? I want to play skyrim without this!
Some example of what I'm saying: LEFT GOOD RIGHT MY PROBLEM