Hopefully this doesn't get locked. Please keep it tasteful.
I was wondering what videos people think are "sixy". No nudity or anything cause of the forum rules and stuff. But you know normal videos with beautiful ladies or men I guess for you ladies.
Like a couple I can name is
Shakira - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=booKP974B0k
^I might have a bit of a crush on Shakira.
Evanescence- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJGpsL_XYQI
^Also have a crush on Amy Lee
Can we just agree I have a crush on nearly all these woman?
Katy Perry - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Sd5c4o9UM
^I've always liked Katy Perry, she has the right taste of cute and hotness. But there is something about this video that makes her super hot. Maybe I have alien fetishes?