I'm the opposite. I am glad we have the option of smaller shields. My favorite shield is actually the buckler, which is only 6 to 18 inches in diameter. Bigger is not always better!
Traditionally larger shields were for deflecting missle weaponry, but smaller and lighter shields were optimal for melee combat.
The buckler was more widely used than is commonly known. It was a simple yet effective weapon, often combined with a short sword, falchion, or rapier. It was popular circa 1100 to 1600. The buckler had a variety of roles when it came to swordplay, but five principal means come to the fore as described in MS I.33. Each use recognizes the shield's small size and maneuverability when dealing with light blades.
Hand protection: The primary use of the buckler was to protect the sword hand.
Deflector: The buckler's lightness and curved center made it excellent for deflecting attacking blades.
Blinder: The light blades used in conjunction with the buckler depended on rapid movements, which meant that a single second was an important advantage. The wielder of the buckler could use the buckler to shield his sword-hand's position from view, keeping his opponent from guessing his next strike.
"Metal fist": A buckler could be used to directly attack an opponent by punching with either its flat face or its rim.
Binder: The buckler could be used to bind an opponent's sword hand and weapon as well as their buckler against their body. The buckler was also very useful in grappling, where it allowed an opponent's arms to be easily wrapped up and controlled.