I was thinking of being a stealthy dual wielding dagger/bow user because I found stealth to be the most satisfying (and OP once you got the skill to 100) way of taking enemies out in the game. I would come up from behind and slit the throat of a boss and felt like what I did was so easy, it was OP. I also loved using the bow. So what I'm asking is how does stealth work in ESO? Can you come up from behind someone with a dagger in stealth and get a 12x damage modifier? Also, how does the hit registration work in ESO for the bow? Is it just like in Skyrim or do you just target them and then shoot your bow and the arrow will hit no matter what direction you are facing (as I have seen in gameplay of other MMOs and it sickens me [Rift])? I am a console player, by the way, who is new to MMOs.