I've been looking for a restoration trainer. However, the ones I know who train aren't available.
Danica Pure-Spring (Master Trainer) was my first option. However, she won't train me. The dialogue isn't there. Am I supposed to do her quest line first? I didn't think I would need to.
My second option is to go speak to the trainer at the Hall of the Vigilant. But the doors are closed and doesn't give me the option to open the door. Is this normal?
The only trainer I have had training with in the past is obviously the restoration trainer at the college of Winterhold. However, they require a healing hands spell to cast in order to enter the college, which I'd have to break my RP rule in order to get in.
Any idea how I can get Danica pure-spring to train me or get inside the hall of the vigilant? I think am out of options otherwise. I'm standing outside of the hall of the vigilant right now.