What are some elements of the Fo:NV DLCs that you liked the most?
I enjoyed the poisonous clouds, hologram security, radios, .45 caliber firearms, new plants/ ingredients, throwable hatchets, new companion perks (Walking Chalk's, specifically.), ability to fill empty bottles with water, energy styled melee weapons, origins of wasteland creatures, robot scorpions, a valid purpose for hoarding clip boards and mugs, giant robot animals in general, meaner deathclaws, armor that actually looks jury-rigged, caves made of toppled buildings, satchel charges, and locations that open up in the base map solely because of actions done within the DLC world.
One thing I didn't particularly like, but wasn't too upset about was being able to just turn back around and go home prematurely, such as in LR.
One thing I absolutely was not fond of was not being able to get back to the Sierra Madre post DLC.
What are you into?