0 or 1 if you count Grelod, but that is a sort of grey area.
My Altmer mage has "accidentally" burned about forty people to death.
My Nord warrior killed Grelod, which is the only real murder. I suppose you could count Astrid, since I killed her with one shot when she wasn't expecting it, and two of the DB were sleeping when I killed them.
My murder count is so high that it shows 0 in the stats.
Current character's count stands at 4 right now. Considering he still owes allegiance to his King in Rags, it's likely to go a bit higher.
Did I forget to mention he's also The Dragonborn? I've also added him to the Forsworn faction via the console...makes more sense that way. He fought to free his king, and yet every other member still treated him like the enemy (aside from Druadach Redoubt).
EDIT: Oops, better make that 5. Aerin just had an unfortunate accident (that's what he gets for playing with fire). I hope she's home crying her eyes out now, she saw everything.
How many murders goes into a bounty of over 1 million septims?
I'm sure your Falmer followers did most of the murders
depending on the character... my thief has none.
but Valeria my forsworn. holy hell... I think the Dark Brotherhood was to afraid to recruit her.
I spawned a lot of Whiterun guards for the battle[150 + all the other regular guards and townsfolk + another 100 on the bridge to Windhelm]... That bounty is http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/578991472936662125/A48E8759E2B0DE6A5BF1C6E69756C12BC8019C36/
The only reason I have a high murder count on my main, Mordecai, is because I kill any Imperial prisoner escort I come across and since I'm the one who first attacks it counts as murder.
Higher then my bunnies slaughtered count....my character has no problem killing sheeple, bunnies and foxes need not worry
We have no reason to not believe you, spaan zeymah!
Aal hin tuz neh staavek!
I just checked and my murder count on my main is 59 and 2 of them are actual civilians.