I don't.
Not to me, no.
These are official Dragonplate Gauntlets props to UESP: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/File:SR-icon-armor-DragonplateGauntlets.png
Dragonplate. It looks better. Daedric looks like you're trying way too hard to convince people you're badass.
Really, I wouldn't pick either one. There's other way better looking armors.
If I had to pick between the 2 though, I would go with Daedric for looks since you can make most armor sets hit the cap.
I'm throughly confused by that statement.
The way you put it sounds like you're telling me you are unaware of its existence.
It's created with the souls of lesser Daedra,not just hearts,but yeah ingame it just requires a heart.
Ps: I prefer Deadra and the armor rating is actually better than Dragonbone
Please don't be confused, I was unaware of it's existence until about 5 minutes ago.
Daedric looks butt ugly. Dragon looks okay, but I prefer beautiful Dawnguard.
Whether it's heart or soul, the item is created from an evil creature. Bound weapons are evil too.
Anything with conjuration is "evil", because you're pulling something from a plane of oblivion to fight for you/use in a fight.
i'm pretty sure that you can get max capped armor rating with bouth of them with enchanting
Dragonbone has better stats? That's not right. It weighs less than Daedric, but the armour rating is lower. If you get the weightless heavy armour perk, that extra weight won't really matter.
If you go purely off stats, Daedric would be the optimal choice.
I personally don't let the stats rule too much when I pick armours... I pick based on looks, from a selection of semi-high to high level gear.
So, using that method I'd still go for Daedric, because I think it looks better. I always thought the Dragonbone armour looked kinda weird.
It depends on the type of character too. My heavy armour characters usually wear Ebony, Daedric or Stalhrim depending on what I feel suits their character, and I generally pick a helmet from a different armour set. Oh, and with helmets I completely disregard the stats... I just want to look cool.
Neither, as I prefer uber-smithed low-level armor, but if I had to choose, it'd be Daedric.
Dragonbone is unique to Skyrim, while Daedric has the nostalgia (in name and implication, if not appearance)--I made extensive use of Daedric when I was new to Morrowind. Why Daedric wins for me is because I plan to one day make a Toki Wartooth tribute character who will use only Daedric weapons and armor.
But that's the only use I have for Daedric armor--or anything Daedric.
I use daedric weapons and armor. I know Dragonbone weapons are better, but i like the design on daedric items.