Problem With Combat Hit Spell on NPCs (not applying?)

Post » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:17 pm

I have a pretty basic mod idea, want to give guards a perk that applies an effect to the player which then does some things. Problem is the effect never seems to work, I get nothing in my papyrus log?

I've added the perk to both the EncGuardSons/ImperialTemplate.

Perk is marked as hidden and has an entry point to apply combat spell on hit, with a condition GetIsReference target player.

Spell applies the magiceffect in question for 5 seconds, which is just a script effect with my script attached to it.

The Script

ScriptName GTJ_ArrestingScript Extends ActiveMagicEffect  Actor _targetRefActor _casterRefEvent OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)Debug.Trace("GTJ --- Magic effect was started on " + akTarget)  _targetRef = akTarget  _casterRef = akCaster    _targetRef.GetActorBase().SetEssential(True)    RegisterForSingleUpdate(1)EndEventEvent OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)Debug.Trace("GTJ --- Magic effect fades from " + akTarget)    _targetRef.GetActorBase().SetEssential(False)  UnregisterForUpdate()EndEventEvent OnUpdate()		If (_targetRef.IsBleedingOut())Debug.Trace("GTJ --- " + _targetRef + "is bleeding out, arresting...")			_targetRef.StopCombatAlarm()		Game.FadeOutGame(True, True, 1, 1)		Utility.Wait(0.5)		_casterRef.GetCrimeFaction().SendPlayerToJail()	Else;Debug.Trace("GTJ --- " + _targetRef + "not bleeding out, waiting...")		RegisterForSingleUpdate(1)	EndIfEndEvent
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