DDO dues to it's dismal customer support and hopelessly broken, unmaintained base game. NWO for it 's play school cash grab turd in the punch bowl game mechanics.
DDO dues to it's dismal customer support and hopelessly broken, unmaintained base game. NWO for it 's play school cash grab turd in the punch bowl game mechanics.
I dropped W.o.W about 2 months ago when my sub ended. Just have been playing Skyrim & allot of black mesa source (half life 1 remake), and a little tribes ascend here and there!! Used to play S.W.T.O.R, only reason i think i enjoyed it because it was simply star wars. (R.I.P S.W.G.) But i dropped W.o.W for E.S.O, hopefully i don't get svcked back in with there new expansion coming out, and i can play E.S.O with ease.
I would probably come back to GW2 or some other (not WoW for sure), but after getting info about ESO some time October last year I really have no wish to play anything else.
Nothing. I quit Swtor months ago out of frustration. Been taking a video game break until TESO.
+1 to you my Friend! I feel you!
Well i played FFXI since 2005 which is an MMO with subscription and mostly PvE and had many good memories from it. I quitted it in May.
I now play AION, TERA and a few other F2P to pass the time and also Skyrim and Fallout NV, while eagerly awaiting for ESO.
Aion's pvp is a fun one. Flying around with giant wings is awesome ! New vegas sniper as well!!!
Dropped SWTOR a year ago because of these 'dejá vu raids' (same instance but harder, so over and over again)... Since then nothin' new, really looking forward to TESO! The beta was just awesome, cannot await the release...
Not playing any MMO at the moment. The last one I played was FFXIV, but I dropped that a while ago because I got tired of waiting on player housing. I recently jumped back into WoW because they sent me an email giving me seven days free, but I only lasted a couple of hours - and only because of old guildies and friends - before the old feelings of why I left the game crept in and I logged out, probably will never return. I've played most MMOs, going back to Ultima Online on dial-up and my mom yelling, "Get off there, I need to use the phone!"
Hm, try Age of Conan to get prepared, quiet complex active combat system and it is f2p...
Dropped FFXIV after about two months of subbing. Really couldn't get into the endgame stuff at all. Other than that I don't really drop certain MMOs, just come back to them later one when they add new content. I'll still play TSW, GW2, and DCUO from time to time. Not ready to make ESO my main game.
About 10 years ago I started playing World of Warcraft, with very little knowledge of what an mmo was actually about. I had played both Warcraft 1 and 2, never cared about the 3rd, but the environment it took place in seemed like a cool place for an rpg. So me and a couple of friends started our adventure.. or so I thought, because it turned out I got way more hooked than the others and outleveled them within a few days. Once I reached lvl 60 I was told I could do raiding, but I didn't see much incentive to do so, I did just fine on my own picking herbs, selling them on the AH and save up enough gold for my mount. Once I got the mount I didn't see much reason to continue so I quit.
A few months after my friend had reached lvl 60, he had joined a guild and he showed me some really cool areas and I was really intrigued to go back and try this "raiding" thing he was on about. So I did!
I managed to join the very same guild he was in, but my gear was real [censored] compared to the others so I simply had to sit by and wait for others to not show up so I could fill their spot. But eventually I got my chance to prove my worth and after only a couple of months of raiding I was one of their new main tanks. At the release of TBC we decided to take the core players of the guild and form a new one, to actually be of challange to the rest of the servers top PvE guilds. And it was majestic.. we were raiding almost every day, gearing up, preparing for the next instance and the next challange, it was a complete other level of playing than I was used to, but I had a blast with all the people in the guild and being a MT and Officer showed me a completely different responsability and made me think what was best for the guild and not only for myself (mainly in terms of gear).
We ended up losing too many members to our rival guild, who intentionally sent their recruits to gear up from ours only to later leave us to join the rival guild with all new shiny gear. We simply couldn't keep up with the amount of players we lost, we couldn't keep up with the gear they took with them, so we shortly after disbanded...
I didn't wanna quit raiding so I joined a lesser (in terms of rankings) guild as an OT, they didn't really need another tank but they could see some use of me for the days when their regular tanks wasn't there. After a few weeks I found myself being their MT and also one of their Officers. We did good, not too shabby, but I got too annoyed with the attitude from most of their players who didn't have the same background as me (hardcoe raiding) so I decided to take a break. I came back sometime during early WotLK, they geared me up only to notice how obselete Warriors had become compared to Druids in Ulduar. As an Officer I gladly sat by, watching them raid and progress while I.. well.. did nothing at all! After a few weeks I started an alt Shadowpriest, which I grew very fond of and I actually ended up leaving my current guild to focus on my Shadowpriest in a new guild. We became the server #1 guild, but we didn't stop there, we started looking for more progression without raiding more than 3 days a week. Once again I was offered the position as an Officer, but I declined. All the responsability from being the MT and an Officer for years had made me tired of it and found it much more relaxing as a ranged DPS with no responsability other than perform good on the DPS-charts. I studied my class thoroughly, read up on theorycrafting when I wasn't raiding, did my own spreadsheets and all that goes with it. We became one of the top 250 guilds in the world, with only 3 days of raiding / week, at the peak of my Shadowpriest I was ranked one of the top #10 (world wide) dps-wise. But, too many people wanted more progression so they made the ultimatum to either leave for another guild or that we started raiding 4 days a week.. shortly after that we disbanded because we lost too many players, they simply couldn't keep up with their real life and raiding 4 days a week and I quit playing all together shortly after that. This was 2? years ago.
TL:DR I'm not dropping any particular mmo for TESO.
I learned some really valuable things from it, believe it or not. Things that don't show up or play any particular role on a CV unfortunately
Interesting post, I am glad to hear, that you are into TESO, despite they have no 'real' raidcontent announced so far... Wish you much fun ingame! (seriously )