6/00/2014 ... WHAT?
6/00/2014 ... WHAT?
What are you talking about?
Gamestop has shown the release date as 6/30/14 for like 6 months....
EDIT: Sorry, I meant that's a Monday. It could actually release July 1st, since that would be a Tuesday. If we're lucky, it will be in June, though. Since all their advertising has said JUNE 2014, I'm pretty sure they'll try to push it out with a June 24th release on consoles.
I actually just pre-ordered the imperial addition there and they said they don't have a release date yet, anything they have listed is just a placeholder.
Even my receipt doesn't have a release date on it.
The advertising media has JUNE 2014 listed, as I edited above. Therefore, if they stick to that, as they legally should, then the latest release date should be June 24th.
June 30th has been the placeholder for a long time, just to cover their advertising legal requirement.
I take it you've never heard of games pushing their release dates back? Even after allowing preorders? It happens with every other game and it isn't illegal for them to do it.