Melee builds - Class skills vs Weapon skills confusion

Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:14 am

From what I've read and heard, all class skills are based off Magicka regardless of type of skills. That seems to be a hindrance to the typical bash and smash melee builds, why? Let me explain.

If I wanted to create a Nightblade assassin archetype build and wanted to invest in Assassination, I would have to increase my Magicka to increase the damage in the relative skill line. However, since I would be duel wielding, the duel wield skill line would rather benefit from having my Stamina being increased. Therefore, this conundrum actually leads me into having to increase BOTH my Magicka and Stamina, which resulting in a hybrid type of build. Same goes for any other class trying a melee build with class skills and weapon skills. Same with a bow and wanting to use melee class skills, because again, bow is Stamina based. This would definitely impact the output damage of each type of weapon skills I would use, which leads to inefficiency as I would've to put twice amount of points into Magicka or Stamina just to be on par with someone that go fully either one. I understand if I was TRYING to make a hybrid, this would have to be the way I invest in. However, this is not what I'm trying to do at all.

Is this intentional or am I missing something that makes melee build viable, while using class skills?

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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:19 pm

There are soft caps for all stats, so there is a limit to how much you can get out of Magicka or Stamina. More importantly, this isn't a game where you will be spamming your attacks that use Magicka or Stamina. You have to manage your resources in combat. Having a balance between the two will enable you to use more attacks. It's up to you how you balance it, based on the abilities you want to use. You always have you basic light and heavy attacks with your weapon, which doesn't cost anything.

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Donald Richards
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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:28 am

I wasn't asking about soft caps. I understand there are soft caps. Even with soft caps, I would rather invest into a specific type of build and the rest into health or whatso. Light and heavy attacks are still based of Stamina from my understanding, with the exception of Destruction Staff. That's another thing, because you are suppose to put points into Stamina when you are duel wielding or melee attack builds. That make the class skills sub-par to weapon skills, because it's based off Magicka.

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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:42 am

You aren't missing anything.

Bear in mind you get Health, Magicka and Stamina when leveling up in addition to your choice of the three. It's more of a choice in do you want your weapon damage and stamina abilities to hit hard, your class abilities to hit hard or somewhat of middle ground between the 2. You still get increases in the three attributes each level, so it's not as if you can't use class abilities even if focusing purely on stamina, nor will they become ineffective. As mentioned soft caps may also influence your choices at any given level, further balancing the two resource stats.

If I remember correctly even Destruction staff scales it's light and heavy from stamina, even though it's abilities are magicka based.

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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:38 am

Pro tip put all your points into health and enchant for mag or stam.

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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:07 am

I guess my post is really confusing, I apologize. I was not asking about soft caps. I am asking about why are class melee skills are based off Magicka.

Ok, here i'll give an example.

I want to make a duel wield Assassination Nightblade by going duel wield, and a bow for a off-weapon that I can switch too. I want to invest in the Assassination tree, however, the Assassination tree is a class skill, so it will be based off Magicka. BUT bow and duel wield skills are based off Stamina. Am I forced to put points or enchant BOTH Magicka or Stamina? If so, wouldn't that make my build not as good as those pure builds that can just enchant fully into one stat? Because none of my skills will hit as hard, and I have to manage two form of resource instead of just one?

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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:19 pm

I was asking a similar question in anither thread. I cannot confirm myself, but it seems that all class abilities use magicka and weapon abilities use stamina. It also appears that they both scale the same way, class abilities becoming more potent with more magicka and weapon abilities becoming more potent with more stamina. Its a balancing act. You get mana and stamina both at level up, so your mana pool is going to grow whether or not you invest points into it. Subsequently, the cost for abilities go up as you level too.

You could invest all stamina, but you wont be able to use your class abilities very much and they wouldnt be very strong. Like I said, I cant confirm, but thats the information ive found thats out there right now.
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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:44 am

It's an attempt by them to allow the use of abilties without melee becoming resource starved (since evasion etc skills also use stamina). If everything was run purely from Stamina then melee would all become burst, since sustain would be impossible with resource regeneration becoming crazy.

You are not forced to put any points in Magicka, as I said you will still be accruing Magicka each time you level regardless of your choice. The same with Stamina. Due to that innate gain you won't be overly weak on attributes regardless of what you choose. If you select mostly stamina based abilities you may well find your evasion skills suffer (and your ability to break CC). The choice then falls to you as to whether to stack Stamina for base weapon damage and any stamina abilities or stack magicka for your class abilities (a choice that will vary on your build and skills in use).

Depending on how other build they may also run into resource issues at varying points. As Whoopaz said it's all a balancing act.

The reason people have mentioned soft caps is because if you chose for example to stack Stamina (enchants) and reached the softcap it may well be wise to then boost Magicka or vice versa. The top enchants are largely unknown (possibly not attained in large number by those on the long term test server too) in their magnitude so it could also be less of an issue if you invest a lot of time into the game.

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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 1:35 am

This. Math doesn't lie

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Louise Lowe
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Post » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:21 am

Simple answer is that:

they designed it that way. It actually works quite well

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