I was coming home with my groceries and I was on the last step and my case of mt dew got knocked out of my hand by some brat running around. Only one survived
Bad news: My cat threw up in the hallway this morning, meaning I had to clean it up while still half-asleep.
Good news: I didn't step in it.
The recent Storm brought down my back fence and now i have to leave the Dog in my Granddad's for a while to prevent him from running away.
The insurance covers storm damage though so i'm fine in that regard
Had a test that almost blind-sided me. Good thing I knew what I was doing!
EDIT: Bad Day song included: http://youtu.be/RmNTAvnSais
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/CrashIchimonji/FuturamaBadNews.jpg. One of my dog peed on my couch, a famous actor/director died today and I'm down to my last pair of pajamas. But Good News everyone I got this order for Omega Centari 12 and need a you guys to deliver it bye.
tomorrow will be my lowest point in my life as is each new day?
also, bad news for people who love good news. isnt that just bad news?
bad news-im still around! ahahahaha cower in fear before da renly
i had a stomach ache a while back. not fun. was very bad new
You want some really bad news? Today is the oldest you've ever been thus far.