This is a "once popular" feature that seems to be making a comeback in several "high profile" MMOs that are in the works (WildStar).. and is being worked on currently in Final Fantasy XIV.. and some others that escape me..
Being that in in the Elder Scrolls Games (as far back as I have played them, Morrowind..) had forms of player housing.. something to work towards and earn, as well as for storage...
Has there been any talk about having something similar to this in ESO for people to earn towards, both for the sake of housing for a character.. storage.. someplace to craft the basic gear...As well as for guilds or clans.. or.. whatever they will be known as in ESO?
Definitely something I would enjoy, and is a more interactive form of "achievement farming" that people can do.. since .. well.. face it.. almost every game now adays has evolved from simple "highest score" to specific achievements and unlocks... housing being a massive form of a badge to wear and show off ^__^
If they allow you to have some sort of customization over your housing.. help us all ... that would surely add a lot more hours to your playtime to unlock and earn things.. XD