A lot of people like to storm there way to max level, for some unbeknown reason to me, and then complain there's not much to do since they've skipped the majority of the content. Go figure
I'll take my time, I find endgame to be exceedingly dull and repetitive, anything I can do to delay that is good in my book.
Typical powergamer, after rushing to max lvl they moan that there is not enough content and that the game is linear. Thats not the way that this game should be played, just no. Thats why this game rewards you for exploration, and offers you more than just the typical road to max lvl.
Well after playing WoW off and on for 3 years i hit max level once, the only MMO i have got max in, and i think i quit two weeks after. I'll enjoy the road.
The people that rush this game will be at more of a disadvantage than just burning out the content. Things like skyshards and many side quests award additional skill points meaning the people that bum rush to 50 will still have to backtrack to get to their full potential. I think I'll just take my time and try to get as much of it done on the road.
People rush to max level because they feel like that is the point where everyone is on the most even footing. You can do whatever you want at level cap. While you're leveling, there's several aspects of the game unavailable to you because you're too low of a level or not strong enough to do alone.
At max level you can work on crafting without fear of getting too far ahead of your level to advance anymore, you can collect all the skyshards, etc.
Some people like to do it as they go, others like get to the max level and then go and do everything they want.