Playing beta I was surrounded by quest markers.
When Starting mission, I get a quest marker every new info. NPC says to go to this person, and quest makers points exact position. That's annoying. Arrows are pointing every smallest thing! Steal a bottle? I go to the house and see this big arrow pointing which bottle to steal. No searching, no thinking, just following quest marker. Every info is displayed: "kill 10 kwamas: 5/10" "go back to Nerd Nerdy" "Pick up a book next to him". I made 100 quest without reading dialogues and thinking. My mind was turned off and quest completing was really easy.
Quest system is lame, it required no thinking, no searching, just following this stupid arrow.
I want back Morrowind's quest system. People were giving precise tips what to do. There wasn't text on screen "Do this 5/20" and white arrows.