new playthrough... character type?

Post » Wed Feb 26, 2014 1:26 am

going to be a female Khajiit, just made some errors and combined with bugs due to my system acting up (corrupted files, etc)

Now I normally play rogues/assassins, and likely sneak will be a secondary skill (used while creeping around ruins/caves/etc... SUDDENLY FIREBALLS!)

This time I'm looking at either a heavy armor build (archer or spellsword) or a full cloth mage

Leaning towards magic as a key (destruction, healing, alteration mostly)

I've got several mods including one for travel (no fast travel, and more wagons to travel with).

And that's got me thinking cloth would be best, simply because using magic I'll be dumping most points into magicka and not health or stamina (for sprinting and carrying capacity)

Do know I'll be handling some of the mage guild quests early on, use a max leveled rewards mod (so no waiting till later to do quests for the best stuff). Then running down all the side quests/misc quests before swinging back to finish it off and start the main quest

any thing I should consider?

Not sure I'll carry much in the way of potions or alchemy, may stock up some mana pots but use restoration for healing (not going to bother with alchemy)

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Post » Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:30 pm

something like a nightblade from morrowind.

as a Khajiit, fight with one claw or two. (too bad kittys can't bite). i mess around with a kitty for awhile, good results fighting unarmed. can claws be poison?

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