I personally like PvP with some RP on the side, PvE wise I like small group content.
I enjoy all three gaming styles.
Usually PVE first, then with the same group do PVP, and eventually end with a RP session. Thats how virtual comradeship is born. Although i usually have different friends for different activities. Not everyone is that flexible.
I'm primarily an RP type of the 'simulationist' variety (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNS_Theory for contrast to narrativist RPer.)
But my particular take on RP discourages considering the differences between a player character and an NPC character. It's a factor outside the world, outside the simulation, therefore irrelevant to me when I'm "in character." This means I tend towards both PvP and PvE in whatever measure the gameworld itself allows; and prefer games where the line between PvE and PvP is as blurred as possible.
Or to put it another way... other players are part of the environment, ergo PvP is PvE
I think my first main focus of the game will be crafting. I want to get a head start on the market and get my name established as a reliable crafter who has the traits/skills you need. After that I'll do a bit of everything.
PvE with a slight tendency to sometimes be an altoholic.
Used to be mainly PvE but ESO might just make a PvPer out of me
Explorer/Experimenter. PvE and PvP are just a means to see new things and access new resources.
50/50 pve and pvp. I like both since I play every piece of pve possble and I love bashing heads in pvp. Im not a rper, I have never been good for it.
RP. I find that it makes the best communities. I like PvE mostly but PvP must be there as well. Depends on the PvP though. I dislike confined PvP areas for the sake of grinding tokens etc - it is too "fake" for my tastes - I like free PvP.
If we're gonna be trying to break down our playstyles into percentages, then I'd say I'm probably something like 99% pve and 1% pvp...no, no, maybe 99.98% pve and 0.02% pvp...
Yea, PvP in MMORPGs has never really appealed to me (and I've tried across a decent number of games). Not entirely sure why.
RPer e'rry day. I love PvE and PvP, but the thing that will keep me going is the community at the end of the day. If the RPers aren't there, I tend to phase out. Longest MMO I have been is was, what? 4 years with CoH until it phased out just because of how welcoming it felt for RPers. With ESO's slew of emotes, background (Which I actually know of. XD) and way I can easily be immerse in it, from experience in the previous stress-test beta I can see this being an easy game to get into for RP... Long as other RPers are there.
Massive altaholic pve player which is why im screaming about the bag/bank space, as it stands right now I am going to have to buy a second account ot be able to satisfy my storage needs and I am not ot happy about this
Im more of a PVE/RP player...but I think I can easily get into the PVP element in Eso.
Other MMO's PVP was restricted to people who had "PVP gear"...at least in Eso, there is no differentiation between gear.
I am a core player, I play everything the game has to offer..
Mainly a PvE player with a little RP on the side every now and then. I've never reached max level in an MMO game before though.