i definitely wouldnt call it pay to win
i will admit that having a race behind collectors edition is a bit more than im used to
i would have been happy with just the horse
i do not like that the collectors edition, requires me to forego my xp bonus, or be part of a gay marriage(not because of the gay part, more that i like to get my xp bonus all the time(until lvl 10 or 20) not just when my friend is online)
thats usually about what you get from a collectors edition, a mount, some random fluff(useless pets, pretty hats...) and an xp item of some kind
the only game where i seriously got angry about what i got in the collectors edition was FF14ARR i did get my mount, what they forgot to mention in the description of the preorder, was that in order to use my mount, i had to do the quest line that gives you the skill to ride, and not only that, while learning to ride i also had to buy a mount......... so in order to use the mount from my collectors edition, i had to buy a mount, making my CE mount fluff aswell