is levelup birthsign remover 1.03 fixed compatible with...
expanded birthsigns for purists?
is levelup birthsign remover 1.03 fixed compatible with...
expanded birthsigns for purists?
No. It could be made compatible, but if you use one of the new birthsigns, it will not be removed because they have new IDs.
i actually just discovered this mod from looking at the share you modlist thread you started =P is it compatible with any birthsign mod or should I just use it by itself?
In its current state, it is "compatible" but ineffectual. So, there's no reason to use it if you don't plan to use a vanilla birthsign.
BUT, if Expanded Birthsigns makes changed to the vanilla signs (I really don't remember if it does), then you could and should use it with Level-up Birthsign Remover, if you plan on using an edited, but otherwise vanilla birthsign.
Also, glad to hear you've made use of that thread! I've been wanting to post my new load order, but I haven't finalized it since I've been focusing on modding.