After getting to college and living in a much more highly populated area for about a year I've seen a lot of faces. I know outward beauty isn't even close to being the only factor in attraction to other people, but it's generally the first step. That being said, certain facial features are supposed to be "beautiful" or desirable to most people (such as a square jaw on men). However, somebody with all of "the perfect" features seems to me like they'd be a generic sort of beauty.
Everyone has preferences, but it seems like society as a whole has a certain general idea for what's beautiful. This being said, I've seen people with faces that diverge from this template for beauty that might not be as "classically" beautiful, but are uniquely attractive.
This made me question which is generally more attractive, aforementioned "beauty" or uniqueness? This is only going by appearance, not personality. If it helps, assume the personality behind each "type" of face is the same.
This all sounds very shallow, but I mean it in a more psychological/philosophical sense of base physical attraction; it's all pointless without an attractive personality.
P.S. I'm pretty sure this is my first topic, so I hope it's not too stupid.