Anyone else saddened by the death of Paco De Lucia today, and (like me) plan on honouring his death in the little ways I can by listening to his music during beta playing?
Or plan on listening to other good music during play time, if so what?
Anyone else saddened by the death of Paco De Lucia today, and (like me) plan on honouring his death in the little ways I can by listening to his music during beta playing?
Or plan on listening to other good music during play time, if so what?
kinda off topic, but whatever Lol. i plan to listen to epic music when i play. like .......(thinking) ........ two steps from hell.
Oh yeah they are really good for like combat music haha - not many soft travelling melodies IMO
Jeez, I didn't even know
Absolutely brilliant guitarist, loved his stuff with John McLaughlin and Al di Meola. I'll listen to Almoraima.
LOL, yeah ur right i guess not the best music for a casual walk. I plan to RP a pyromaniac, i will always be in combat weather it be with that tree or a cart or a cheese wheel, there will always be something to burn
Yeah, dunno if you know of this one but this one is just amazing - his fingering techniques are rediculously hard (and hard looking), yet he does it at a young age with the calmness and finesse of a freaking BOSS
I've read that he practiced twelve hours a day since his early childhood.
Arguably one of the most famous flamenco guitarists (or indeed, maybe even just "guitarist").
As Kanye would put it;
Watch the video I posted, its only ~3 minutes of your time, and if you actually WATCH his hands you will be amazed (or should be)
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised, the form and flawless execution (for the most part, there might be a slight mistake or two, but that's negligible) would take YEARS to master, he probably just accelerated this process by practising that much per day