Had vanity pet/things in SWTOR, but rarely used them.
Likely won't in ESO either, unless they prove value-added to mission accomplisment.
Had vanity pet/things in SWTOR, but rarely used them.
Likely won't in ESO either, unless they prove value-added to mission accomplisment.
Please, stop being such a crybaby. I'm sure you have better things to worry about in life than a virtual monkey.
It's about a company stating something and then later... doing something else. It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone missing out on or being deprived of anything. Its about principle and doing what you say you are going to do.
Not exactly reading the whole thing are you, there?
1) You could easily take "exclusive" to mean exclusive once the game launches. it's all about context.
2) It matters what the reward is. No one is going to make a big deal about a virtual monkey. If it was another exclusive race, I'd probably complain too.
I'd rather have a puma or a leopard. Would go better with my Khajiit.
It sure is.
Not to me. if I was upset over the monkey, that would be different.
You mean someone gets something that someone else does not? No, that's not mean at all.
I mean, I would gladly sell, or even give away all three of those thing, if I could and I would graciously give you your choice of two, as I've already promised the monkey to Starnes.
another pet that will occupy the already limited inventory slot? Its nice they want to give us something but .....
I agree. Game DLC is often advertised as exclusively available on PS3 or Xbox when in reality, it's a timed exclusive, meaning they get it first.
I wasn't in that monkey beta, and even if I was, I couldn't care less who else gets the monkey. But I do agree with posters that it's a little naughty getting players to login with the temptation of something that in zenimax words
"There won't be any other way to get this pet."
which to me implies that unless I was lucky enough to take part in that particular beta, I cant ever get it.
Again I personally couldn't care less who gets what, but I also see the pov about zenimax saying one thing and doing another. If they go back on their word on this, can people trust them elsewhere. It may seem trivial to some (seems trivial to me) but I can understand the point of view.
Doesn't really matter. I'm also somewhat disappointed that my "exclusive" pet is no longer exclusive, but there are many other things I'm FAR more interested in seeing something done about. This is the very definition of "non-issue".
If I have a mini-pet out at all, it will be the Scuttler from the pre-order. I saw a baby scuttler in the game (not someone's pet, just a critter out in the wilds), and that thing was just ADORABLE!
Also, I don't believe it is automatic. I think you do have to log in at least once during the test in order to get flagged for the monkey. I don't think you need to stay on for any particular time, just log in. I'm pretty sure I read that on the beta forums.
I wonder if the pet will go stealth when the player goes stealth. If not, it's going to be a big neon sign saying, "OVER HERE, SOMEONE IS HIDING!!!"
If you ever get mad because someone else can have what you have... you need to seriously consider what that actually means.
Be happy you have the monkey, if it makes you happy to have it. And if Zenimax decides to give that same thing to everyone else, then be happy for those people, because they get to experience that same joy.
I mean, would you buy up the ice cream truck's entire stock of your favorite flavor so you are the only kid on the block who got to taste it? Just because you were the first one to arrive at the truck? That doesn't seem like the proper way to live in any other setting, so why would it apply here?
Khajiit wonders if monkey can be trained to clean his litter box.
I dislike monkeys so probably I won't use it too often, however this is a good move from ZOS.