When i last had the opportunity to play ESO the music was so lacking in the thematic department that i actually muted the music in-game and just played the oblivion soundtrack in the background, i recommend this to several other players who did the same and praised me for the suggestion, as the music in the game is just, for lack of better words, stale. At this point i feel like nothing will live up to the single player experience, but hey, whatever can make it bearable works for me. Still waiting to see if the game can possibly get any better before launch.
While i doubt anyone is going to ask the devs to go out and remake the music, i just want to point out how in-game music is a pretty big deal, and can really set the stage for what people are to feel about the game, combat, and whatever else.
Small part of the oblivion soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxuaDhXlJeU#t=20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3kV1QqQIDM
The best ESO has to offer