Which one (or more) do you think was the real target for the Dark Brotherhood contract, and for what reason?
Which one (or more) do you think was the real target for the Dark Brotherhood contract, and for what reason?
Neither of them/All of them/It doesn't matter
The real question is, does the Dark Brotherhood even lift? I think not. Their petty assassins are but butter for my blades.
Astrid was the target. That's why she says "well Done" with her dying breath.
Otherwise the real target doesn't matter. the point is you were told to kill so you did. There was no right or wrong kill, only that you performed your task. You see the person to be killed doesn't have to be guilty of anything other then someone just didn't want them around anymore.
Lol, dude do you even lift? I lift the assassin's in the air and chuck them off a cliff after they have been cut down.
Anyways I never really gave it much thought which was actually the target, generally just kill the khajiit.
Yeah the Khajiit sounds like he should be killed. The woman you just want to kill. The soldier I actually feel sorry for so I usually let him go.
Has anyone actually only killed one of them and then listened to what Astrid says about it? I've honestly never actually tried that.
She seems more pleased that you killed them all and doesn't admit which one had the contract. I would imagine all three had the contract. I mean would she really go through that much trouble for no coin? Killing the three targets pays off killing the old bag in Riften I guess.
Try using the clairvoyance spell.It might show the right one.If i remember correctly,she says "Someone has to die".It can be you,her,or any of them.