Hey everyone,
First post here. I've spent a few days googling this problem and quickly scanned the forums, and I can't find anything on here. But the title pretty much sums it up. Whenever I open the map indoors, no matter what indoor locale I am in, (Cave, house, inn, etc.) I instantly crash to the desktop with no warning. When outside I can open the map, and even switch to local map fine with no problems what so ever. My pc details as follows:
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500 @3.30 GHz
8.00 GB of RAM
Windows 7 64 bit
nvidia Geforce GTX 660 OC edition
3rd party Mods:
Skyrim - nicer shrubs, plants & grass
Aggresive Combat Styles - Challenging AI
Better Females by Bella
Better Magic
Daedric Artifacts Improved - vanilla edition
Epic cities:Dawnstar
Realistic Ragdolls and force
Spend Dragon Souls for perks
Faster Horses
Follower Trap Safety
Alternate Ancient Shrouded Armour
Marriable Serana
No more glowing eyes (Draugr + Skeletons)
PsiKotic's Ultimate Necromancy mod (WIP)
Pure Waters
Towns and Villages enhanced: Falkreath, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun
Enhanced Blood textures 3.5d
The only real changes to my system in recent weeks was swapping from an ATI card to an nvidia card. Many thanks in advance for everyone who reads this post!