Lovely graphics but could use a bit more brighter colors feels dark and a bit more realistic for my liking, than again this topic is highly subjective to peoples opinion.
Questing [Dominion side]:
You did good job on inventing a new system for finding quests and quests have a nice player engagement not only through lore but also some of them are really fun. This is also bad as I had trouble finding quests, at level 7 I ended up with only 1 quest in my log which was unfortunately bugged so I couldn't progress any further. Couple of MMO's tried removing the Minimap for the same reason your developers gave, but they ended up returning it. We the MMO players like the minimap and if we feel to explore the world we will do so on our time not your's.
Your pressure on us to explore your world has lead to quests which take more time walking than actually doing the quest. There is lack of quests in early levels. Zone chat was spammed with people being stuck on quest window, this is forgiven as its a beta and there is a quick solution [/reloadui].
You quest window lacks speed. I don't want to read your lore, I don't care about it, I just want to accept the quest and get on with it. I am not an RP player I am end game PvP/PvE player, my only goal is reaching level cap ASAP and than I can take my time prepping for raids etc by crafting and doing other stuff.
Your looting is slow, if I press E fast it won't register it, I have to press it once and wait for window to popup, than I have to press R to loot it all, just to much pressing. Give players option to loot all or to open window and choose what to loot.
Huge time sinks:
You are doing what WoW and many other MMO's stopped doing 5 years ago.
1. Huge walks during questing.
2. No mounts unless you are high level with lots of gold.
3. Lack of quests which leads to grinding the mobs.
Maybe focus more on giving us lots of end game content and we will happily stay for years, feed our thirst for many hard instances, big raids, nice boss mechanics, good PvP and we will stay. Don't try to fool us with these stupid time sinks as this is insulting, as over the years MMO players have gotten smarter and you giving us these old time sinks is very insulting as it assumes we are fools.
Make the materials more visible on the map, sometimes I can pass close by and not see it.
Props for giving 50 "slots", as some F2P MMOs give a lot less, but for the love of god did you really have to keep the Skyrim look to it, why in the right mind would I need to scroll my bag to see my stuff, no one plays on small resolution anymore give us normal looking bag UI.
Also why do I need to right click an item and select sell? Why not allow us to right an item and sell right away if the shop window is open?????
You are complicating things to freaking much, STOP! Focus! You are building an MMO not a single player game.
By mistake I sold my shield, only to find I can't buy a shield anywhere at level 7? All other items are available but shield isn't? This lead to me dying more often as I was specced for sword and shield [dark knight].
You tried to cater to your Skyrim fans by trying to keep as much as possible from a single player game to an MMO, which is bad as we the MMO players have a different look at games. The Skyrim fans could of been satisfied with an expansion to Skyrim, you shouldn't of listened to them a lot. As now you made a game with nice story, amazing graphics but which lacks the speed and efficiency for an MMO.