Interesting. All of the shields in skyrim are way... WAYYYY too big. Anyone have screen grabs of eso shields?
I'd honestly like a wrist shield about the size of a football in diameter.
I had to image search what that was, but yes. (and thank you for the shield education)
To me a smaller shield implies a greater skill for blocking. Rather than just passively hiding behind a shield you're actively blocking attacks by whacking them out of the way. It almost could be two different things. Have huge shields with epic armour ratings, but then have small shields that allow for maximum benefit from blocking perks. That would be ideal IMO, and I'd favour blocking with small shields, over just hiding behind big fortress shields.
yes. i see ur side but i don't think ur seeing my side. the use of big shields could lead to cool ass things like Shield walls like the spartan or like the Romans back in the day and with a smaller shield u have a greater chance to be hit with an arrow then a bigger shield they both of them have their pros and cons but all im saying is give people more choices with shield like this one from the concept art is the size im looking around for and not the current shield i have, as u can see my lower body is vulnerable to a volley of arrows realistically but idk if u can freely aim for my dike or balls or my knee wink wink, i think the smaller shields should be for lighter and faster people and bigger shields for those that like slow but deadly ass hell. see where im going here Tonedog.
wish i could post pics for you but cant
The shields are realistic size, and are far larger than bucklers.
But bucklers look gay. You want to go with the kite shield baby. Those big ass shields were used by crossbowmen weren't they? fire, then hide and reload?