I was playing last night and felt like starting dragonborn, but there was no boat in windhelm, so I completed the horn of jurgen windcaller still no cultists.
I tried starting dawnguard and it didn't work either. I loaded a save of a vampire lord that could transform last month and he cant transform anymore, so I quit to the main menu and checked the download
content section. It was empty. Oh yeah the account I bought the dlcs on got banned back in may , but I was still playing on that profile, just offline. Send a message to TheDeer-Man1 (my new psn account ) or post here if u get anything.
I already tried deleting the update(1.09) and the game data, didn't work, also I cant delete the dlcs and re install because the account is banned.
Thanks in advance for trying to help.
Is the only way to fix this is to buy the legendary edition?