I need help! I joined The Companions and became a Werewolf. I am now playing through the Dragonborn DLC, and am seeing pop-ups about Vampirism. I should be immune to all diseases...so I don't understand what's going on. Please help!
I need help! I joined The Companions and became a Werewolf. I am now playing through the Dragonborn DLC, and am seeing pop-ups about Vampirism. I should be immune to all diseases...so I don't understand what's going on. Please help!
Strange bug. Using any mods? If so post your mod list.
Moss rocks
Better Dynamic snow
better embers
lush grass
magika sabers
skill smash-faster leveling with standing stones
skimpy dragonborn replacer
skimpy dawnguard replacer
daedric mask
daedric corset
lockpick cheat
CBBE curvy
leveling merchants wallets
magic scaling
automatic crossbows
marriable serana
alchemy supplies
skyforce weapons
dragonbron supplies
smithing supplies
enchanting supplies
whichplate armor
black mage armor
pure waters
and stones of barenziah quest markers
...sorry about the wait.
but idk how they'd impact the werewolf-vampire scenerios?
cuz Werewolves should be 100%immune to disease. I even used cure disease potions too
Yes, I'm on PC, what are they, so I can try
Have you checked your active effects to see if you have the vampire disease started? cured yourself at a shrine to see if your still getting the notices?
Not so sure what your issue is. I know every now and then I get a message saying "human heart consumed, progression in werewolf perk" blah blah even though I am in unman form. But I run werewolf mods so... I'm not bothered by it.
You say that now Hagrid... you say that now...
is the cap really 255? I'm around 100 or so without counting. Likely closer to 130-140. I am trying really hard not to look into new mods. damn the mod community! lol there is no off switch!