Well, i just played beta and got to level 6 (I realized we could only reach level 10 and so to me it was useless to go farther unless i knew i could go past 10).
But, anyways, i don't know wither i like this game, nor do i know if i don't like it.
I love the crafting, which i usually hate 99% of the time in most MMOs.
The skill trees kind of disappoint me, because there is a lack of available spell options. Will there be more skill trees to unlock as more content is realeased? (I do love the morph system as well).
Graphics and voice/animations of characters are all very impressive.
Quests are kind of boring after a while. And after the first few quests of the starter area i felt like i couldn't explore and level at a moderate pace, i am bound to follow the main quests and side quests that become dull and repetitive.
The lore is somewhat rich, so i won't complain.
Did not get to raid/dungeon/PvP so i cannot speak on those parts.
So, what are your guys opinions, pros, and cons?
Do you guys think its worth the price?