I've got a really fun build mapped out and I've messed around with it this current beta weekend. I went Medium armor though and I'm debating switching to Heavy armor.
If I use the dash from Two-handed I'll have a gap closer. If I have the teleport from Storm Calling on my bar I'll have an escape. I was thinking Medium armor for the movement speed and stamina regen bonus while using hit and run tactics. Lightning Form will be my primary means of adding damage mitigation. I just can't decide between heavy and medium armor. I gravitate towards Medium with a Light hood or something for aesthetics and functionality in the form of some added magika regen, movement speed increase, and stamina regen.
If I go heavy with a light hood, I lose all of that but gain more damage mitigation. Storm Calling has a passive that increases mana regen AND the ultimate ability in that tree can be morphed so that as you use it you regen magicka.
So I'm either going for a solid wall of armored death and lightning that you can't get away from because I'll essentially have longevity through bursting then rebuilding magika while utilizing 2 dashes, a stun, a ranged attack, and an execute or a hit and run mage/rogue hybrid. Plus, the magika regen ultimate.
After typing it all out I'm thinking Heavy. I hope we have another beta weekend before release so I can run the same content in heavy armor with the same build. Any thoughts?