Crafted Potions - Feedback Please

Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 12:44 pm

Hey everyone,

I've noticed while playing that I tend to accumulate a lot of potions from crafting at the Alchemy Lab over time. Usually my alchemy skill improves faster than I can use all those potions, so I end up being left with a ton of low strength potions that become somewhat useless. For instance, I might have:

( A ) 9 Potion of Restore Health (that heal 13 hp)

( B ) 3 Potion of Restore Health (that heal 20 hp)

( C ) 8 Potion of Restore Health (that heal 21 hp) &

( D ) 2 Potion of Restore Health (that heal 25 hp)

I'm working on a mod that could potentially allow the player to combine some of these, so that players could essentially convert those lower-power potions into higher power ones to make them more useful (and also to reduce inventory clutter!). So maybe, you could convert potions A, B, & C into more of potion D, by combining any two of them into the stronger version.

What I'm curious about, though, and the reason I'm here, is I need a bit more feedback about how other players feel about this situation. Do you end up with potion collections that look like this too over time, and does it bother you? Or am I alone here? Would a combining feature such as this sound interesting?

Also - what specific kinds of potions do you find that you have the most of, or which become the most useless as you are able to create stronger ones over time? Screen shots of your potion inventory (or rough lists just typed out to suggest what you have) would be very welcome! Also, feel free to suggest ideas for what you think would be a good way to go about this sort of a mod, or other ways that might be interesting to allow combining.

Thanks :smile:

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Katy Hogben
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:14 am

Already been done i believe.

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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:57 pm

Yeah, but those only work on the pre-set potions you can find or buy. I'm talking about player-crafted potions here ;)

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April D. F
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