After nearly one year of constant plugging, I have beaten the @#$%! bug (mostly...[like, 94% of the time])!!!
1.) Be sure you have a frame-limiter installed -- either an option that comes built in to an ENB, or use on the Nexus.
2.) Then, add or edit the following in your Skyrim.ini (not SkyrimPrefs.ini):
Now, before anyone starts flaming me, I believe the values (especially those of "fUpdateBudgetMS" and "fExtraTaskletBudgetMS") will need to be tweaked around for optimal performance depending on your system. After months of fiddling endlessly, this has provided a definite solution on three drastically different systems (two laptops and one desktop). Mileage varies a bit, but only a bit. Often enough, a character's lip sync is out of whack only for the first line of dialogue upon entering an area. Every other character in that area has perfect lip syncing except for very rare and random exceptions!
For anyone who cares, this is what I think is going on:
@#$%! Radiant and Gamebryo. It appears to me now that Bethesda modified a core setting in the game's .exe with the 1.9 update that added a time buffer between the execution of various Papyrus scripts. My guess is that the delay was supposed to cut down on stutter and lag for console versions of the game. In return, because EVERYTHING in the stupid game wants to be synced up to the monitor's refresh rate, any script that triggers dialogue now fires as soon as it's loaded...but both the animation and sound files will be cached and delayed purposefully by the system to avoid bottle-necking the poor little console processors and their utter lack of meaningful RAM. By forcing a steady frame rate (I stick with 30 fps,) and forcing papyrus to utilize more available system RAM, it effectually allows enough RAM to be cached so both sound and animations simultaneously execute, despite the friggin' delay. Excepting rare instances (like when a cell is loaded for the first time and the allocated memory is being hogged up for a few [hundred thousand] milliseconds by the system.)
Hopefully the modding teams will be able to come up with something more effective soon! Or maybe Bethesda will release another patch...
