An open letter to Zenimax.

Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:24 am

Positive views:

- I enjoyed most of the beta, but dont delay the launch. (patch fixes/features after 4th of April 2014.)

- TES lore was great.

- Combat system was overall fun and easy.

- Graphic was epic (size of keeps, cities, buildings, wilderness.)

- Music and sound with voice acting was a great experience.

Critical views:

*1. ESO core game design. (No sandbox feeling concerning exploration/law systems, and realism within a fantasy setting.)

2. Seriously Zenimax: Cyrodiil PvP lag issues - people won't play it with (1-3) minutes lag pockets. (I hope it was because of an older beta versions and stress test - otherwise reduce the total amount of players on each campaign.)

* It can't be fixed with the current dev. team - we have to endure theme park garbage.

2. Vital fix before launch 4th of April 2014.

Best Regards,

-Cya all at launch.

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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:56 am

P.S. bagspace svcks please fix.


All of Us :wub:

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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:13 pm

This +9000

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Leilene Nessel
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:52 pm


  • How quests permanently change the world for you (enemy NPCs disappearing, friendly NPCs coming back to help you).
  • Cyrodil was, although extremely laggy, a lot of fun.
  • Progressive disclosure, a lot of MMOs present the player with too much too quickly. Your game paces the concepts/mechanics very nicely. This could get in the way when rolling alts but at the moment it's great.
  • Combat. I was playing with 270ms ping so I wasn't able to really pull off the block/interrupt moves (I'm looking forward to trying that out on the EU servers when the game releases); so even excluding a good amount of the combat mechanics, your combat feels challenging and fluid.
  • Questing. Although somewhat buggy (it's a beta, I can easily forgive that) you get rid of the back-tracking problem in a very engaging way. GW2 "heart quests" are an absolute chore to do; your quests never felt like a job - I couldn't ever figure out how you would improve on what GW2 did with quests: you guys managed it.
  • How, for the most part, you cater for players of all types.
  • The game is unbelievably competent as a single-player game. Better than Skyrim? Very much so.
  • Graphics. They are drop-dead-gorgeous.


  • The UI. It's clean and simple. There are some quality of life improvements that could be made. e.g. give the group leader a different icon over their head (especially in Cyrodil/PvP) - but for the most part it's fantastic.
  • The controls. Very intuitive and I didn't find myself having to rebind many of them. One thing that I did find is that there aren't any keys left to bind to dodge roll (I prefer a single key over a double-tap) - this was mostly aggravated by the fact that you don't differentiate between left/right Shift, Alt and Ctrl. I re-map caps lock to right Ctrl so I would have been able to use that to dodge, but the game saw it as a conflict. Again, I was able to side-step this with extra buttons on my mouse; but not all players will have that opportunity. Also, the mouse wheel needs to change your zoom level faster.


  • *Finding* the side quests. This will become a non-issue when someone sets up a wiki; but some mechanic to mark quest-starters in an area on your map would be nice. I know you want to encourage exploration (and I enjoy it), but I could see this becoming annoying very quickly when rolling alts. Maybe have it so that once you complete them on one character, all characters who have not started that quest have some form of quest-starter icon on their map?
  • Game-settings-per-character. This could be seen as a feature or a non-feature depending on the player. In the case of this player, this feature gets in my way. Maybe have an option that allows us to share all settings between all characters? Or copy settings?
  • I didn't see any small-scale PvP options (5v5 or what have you). Small-scale PvP isn't my thing at all, but I could see some players feeling left out due to its exclusion.


  • The server lag in Cyrodil/PvP. I assume you were profiling your code or something; but the lag was unreal. I stuck around for as long as possible to help stress it out, but eventually I couldn't take it anymore.
  • At one point one of my main quests got blocked (beta, it happens) so I opened up live support chat. I was told not to close the pane so I was forced to leave my character AFK in the world - the long queue caused me to get kicked due to inactivity half-way through my conversation with support! You need to figure out another way to do this; it may not be a problem 2-3 months into the game's life - but I am sure there will be long support chat queues when the game first releases.
  • Bag/bank space.


I'm buying the game now. I only heard bad things about TESO so I came in with the lowest expectations possible - you have not only shattered those expectations but I would now say that TESO could be one of my top MMOs (if not the top). Good job, I'm extremely impressed.

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Wayne Cole
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:17 pm

The game is fantastic.
I was very skeptical, because the only MMO I liked was AoC and I can say mmorpgs are not the best for me. I'm a hardcoe TES fan and I like a lot to roleplay and single player rpgs.
BUT, from the first beta to now...I just can say I'm amazed with the game. The doomsayers can go to oblivion. It is even [censored] imho to be explaining to the doomsayers that what they are saying it's not true.
Is there a cocktail of ignorance, hate, people with serious personal problems (so it seems), people bored of gaming world, people bored of mmos, people bored of life...that you can just wait until release and see all that people outside this ESO world so the rest of normal mortals will play the game and enjoy the good work ZoS is doing.
Of course I'm not saying you can't be critic. We should be! But let's get serious...most of the time the critics about the BETA seems coming from a 12 years old child with some phsyco problems.

Then you hace the "delay the launch" topic...yes...let's pray for ZoS to delay the game so doomsayers can continue leaving and feeding their rollercoaster of madness.

The game will be out this month with early access and that is gonna be amazing!! And don't waste your time explaining this is not the final version of the game, etc, will just feed the trolls. It's better to let them speak all together in their personal virtual sanitarium.

As for the game, I would really like to see more interaction with the environment. Like to sit on benches, more interacton with objects, etc. It is said that in the PST you can have a lot more of what we see in this build and the collision detection is gonna be a really really good addition.

My main problem now is the waiting until 31/3 !

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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:48 pm

I liked most aspects of the game in truth. Its the little things that just seem half assed from a development house with this kind of experience.

Inventory and bank space. I mean seriously who thought this was a good idea?

The quest system. I can assist in killing any overland quest mob and get the required reward trivializing the content but the second I hit an elite mob my group gets phased? Married, have a long time gaming partner or a group of friends? svcks to be you.

Public Dungeons. You really need to hire the team that designed DAoC dungeons. Those were to best Dungeons crawls ever. Well though out with places to camp out. Pull mobs to and just have mindless fun. These are get in get out don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

To me this is the most anti-social MMO ever produced. Again that is my opinion disagree if you like.

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Katie Samuel
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Post » Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:08 pm

This sort of comment is both completely uncalled for and makes the last phrase deeply if unintentionally ironic.

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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:03 am

Perhaps the option of turning side-quests on? It's a tricky one because, as you say, they want to encourage exploration. Although it might be argued that rewarding game-knowledge is a goal unto itself. While, yes, anybody can tab-out and check a wiki, kudos to the guy/gal/misc who doesn't need to!

Of course, be able to annotate maps and share them between alts/players would be an option - if it were not for the constraints of developing for a console market.


+ Enjoyed

  • The ambiance of the game world.
  • Asthetics. The game looks, quite simply, lovely, within the constraints of the format.
  • Playing an awesome lizard dude (Yes yes, Argonian - calm yourself lorenut..)
  • Combat system. Within the context of sword and shield 'tanking'. Very much enjoyed NOT having spammy buff/debuff markers.
  • The UI. While I've read some complaints about it being 'made for consoles', I found the UI intuitive and clear with regards to item/class/misc management
  • Questing with friends. There were three of us and we had no trouble finding each other nor quickly meeting up, thanks to the, ''Teleport to Player' option.
  • Crafting. While I saw a fair number of people spamming chat with, ''WHERE DO I FIND IRON!?'' I did enjoy having to get out there and explore.
  • General pace of play. While I'm sure some folks want to hit level cap asap, I personally enjoying investing within a game, bringing my own 'immersion'. The pace of play, the rewards of exploration, reward slowing down and getting involved in the world.

- Did not enjoy

  • Mount costs. I enjoy exploring. I also enjoy stealing mounts! Such an obvious time-sink needs to go. Let us purchase a faithful mount - or quickly liberate an unfaithful one, should the opportunity arise.
  • Bag space. Tricky one, for me. While I understand that they may wish to encourage collecting what we need, rather than what we want (EVERYTHING!1!), I'm a pack rat. So, naturally, I want either bigger bags or more wandering merchants. HOWEVER, I did enjoy the 'we need a merchant! You can keep your items, just give us a merchant! We need a.. FOUND ONE GO GO GO!' mini-quest every hour or so.
  • Melee/Ranged interaction. I felt that my two companions, one a casting Templar, the other a Sorcerer, had a much easier time attacking targets. I also worry how this will pan out in PvP - it's no secret that mankind developed ranged weapons for some rather obvious benefits. A fair few MMORPGs with 'mass PvP', Keeps/dfensive structures and postions have taught me that ranged blast all within X meters, while melee can risk suicide by running into the deathstorm or else are stuck hanging back, looking pretty. Probably a case of melee bias but.. hey. I could always bring a bow..
  • The reality that I will need to upgrade this old machine.
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:37 am

Good thread here. I agree will what many people have said. The bag space, and the first come/first serve chest loot needs to be addressed. Other than that, I had a lot of fun.

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