hey, been thinking between the 2 and asked my guildmates in my other games about it and havent got realy complex answer, so ive decided to make a post here and ask, the reason i cant write in swtor forums about it its because i havent pay for it yet. but untill ill get a full vote on wich between the 2 should i take, i would not focus on money-wise, more on content-wise actually... (only got my swtor char to lv 30 so havent done any ops yet)
so ive decided to throw 5 facts about myself, maybe it will help some of you to help me (got the irony here?)
1)ive been playing in the eso beta, and i have to say that both of the games questing are amazing, the only difference is that ESO is a sandbox and that swtor is a themepark, and i am a themepark player but i dont mind moving to ESO's rich lore!.
2)i realy dont mind on the pvp, ive done a few while leveling, but mostly at endgame i am avoiding as much as i can. while in ESO ive done some cyrodill with other 20 man and i have to say that i realy enjoyed all the huge battle-ground there, with ballistras and such, and im a pve player.
3) gearing up. ik that in both of the games you can find you'rself BiS without doing a single raid, but in ESO there are much more ways to gear up, such as exploring and questing and of course dailies dunging raiding, and even pvp. while in swtor there are quests and lv 50 ops, dailies and hardmore FP. dome some cyrodill pvp dailies, wont say i have suffered, wonder to see the pve dailies and ive also never done any swtor dailies and hardmode FP. but i did explored some parts of tamriels small chunk the beta offered for quest and chests.so a pretty tricky line in here
4) the low level dungs ive seen in ESO are realy fun, and because of the enemies healer/tank/dps combo we, lv 10 players, needed to think a bit on how to kill them, and some time we talked by TS3!. ik that swtors low lv FP were also fun with their long conversations but eventually got shorter because of those damm people from the beta!. wonder to see those low level dung of ESO in the long run, but they had the best low-level dung and pvp i ever had.
5) okay, PVE raids are pretty a huge chunk for me, ik that ESO will have 4 man and 24 man adventure zones that will be similliar to those dungs ive done in the beta, while i have never done ever ops and i dont have realy time to level my char in swtor to 55 and gear him up to see them, but as i heard by my guildmates there, some of the bosses there are puzzle and jumping thingy's which i in my own opinion pretty hate. and if the adventure zones that ESO will other will offer will be like their low-level dung, im fine!
please, but just please dont start a flame war or something like that between the 2, just asking wich is better and will mostly fit in my own optionion, any answers will be gladly received!