Guild ideas, immerse yourself in your role

Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:02 pm

Mk so this is the second time im typing this.Cuz I put my laptop down and my mouse clicked.

Idk what the developers have planned for the games guilds aka dark brotherhood,thieves guild, warriors guild, and mages guild but I have some what I think amazing ideas that would make this system amazing and would immerse players into the roles of thieves,assassins,warriors and mages. It would get players into the roles and would promote builds that revolve around the guilds.

Lets start with the dark brotherhood, the best and funnest idea I have.

Dark Brotherhood

What is the dark brotherhood? They are a group of hired assassins that carry out contracts to kill people. Now, in skyrim for instance you would go kill an NPC in the world and get a reward, but this isn't a game that should be like that, its an ONLINE game. aka You should be given contracts to kill players throughout the world. Heres an example;

Your going around and doing quests and leveling and all of a sudden a player comes and kills you, and you insult his manhood,or womanhood and they decide to defend their honor by killing you over and over. You could Perform the black sacrament which would require you collecting a preset amount of materials and on top of it pay a fee which would be for example the target contracts level x 50g,So if they are level 20 it would be 1k gold. That's not the set amount just a simple example. A player in the dark brotherhood would then accept the contract and fulfill it and be rewarded XP on Darkbrotherhood XP Bar, after fulfilling a certain amount of contracts you get rewarded with money, or gear, or maybe even perks. But if you go to kill a player for a contract and die the player who you tried to kill gets the name of the player who put the contract out on him. I think if the games Dark brotherhood system makes us kill npcs it would be boring and repetitive. and not something people would do on a daily basis. Now obv multiple people in the brotherhood can take the contract and whoever gets the kill gets the contract credit. so if 10 assassins want to try for it they can gank you and just own your life. But if you kill 1 you get the name anyways. And when you take a contract to kill someone, it tells you nothing about them, makes it so you have to do some research and find the target.

Warriors Guild

Now what is the warrior guild? They are a group of strongarm brutes who get hired for protective details and to clear out monsters who are terrorizing areas. I think people should be able to hire players to protect them while they quest, or level, or farm. So heres my example.

Say you decided 1 day to go on a killing spree. and the next day you decide to do some farming for gear, or questing, or leveling. And the dark brotherhood doesn't leave you alone cuz someone put a contract out on you. You could go to the warriors guild and hire a strongarm to protect you for a set period of time. it has to be semi expensive though cause then you could hire someone to protect you forever. So say you go for the hire, you get a list of members online right now,as well as their level,gear level, and rank within the guild. the higher the level, the better the gear,and the higher in the guild they are the more expensive it would cost. So like 1000 gold x the variables x how long you want one. The warriors guild member gets mail summoning him for the contract,he can deny or accept it. if he accepts it he has to be active during the time period and fulfill his duties. that way you cant accept a contract and just go afk near them, youd have to be within a certain distance of them and be active.After you protect the target for the time allotted you get XP on the guild bar, leveling up that makes u higher ranking in the guild. also the more contracts you fulfill the higher star you are, the more stars you have will show how sought after you are and make your price go up.

Thieves Guild

Basic, they are a group of people who get hired to steal things. Now obv you cant have people going around stealing a max levels best sword cuz that would be overpowered. and ruin players gaming. So now instead have a pickpocket system and have contracts that say you have to steal x money from them, or x quest item from their inventory. or maybe something else they have, it would make it like the real life of a thief, say I went out and bragged that I got the jewel of ultimate power to all my friends and everyone in the world. and this said gem grants a buff for a period of time, its pretty rare. Now obv someone else wishes they would get it, now you can, hire a thief to steal it for you for a very steep price, the item you want stolens rarity times a certain amount that is really high. Or maybe you don't feel like collecting an item for a quest and you kno of someone with it, have someone steal it! The price for these contracts would have to be extremely high.

Mages guild

a group of powerful mages who devote their lives to the arcane arts, they monitor and enforce the magic rules of the kingdom as well as research new applications of magic. I have no idea what we could do for this.

All in all it will make the game feel more like the elder scrolls we know and love. if you're in a guild, your immersed in it, you feel like your actually in it.

Please give feedback

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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:35 am

Bump I wanna hear feedback

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Eric Hayes
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Post » Tue Mar 04, 2014 11:05 am

No one wants to give feedback?

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James Rhead
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