I caveat that I don't play pc games on a daily or even a weekly basis, and I generally consider myself to be immune to gaming addiction, unlike a lot of gamers I know. That said, I really enjoyed playing Elder Scrolls single-player, managed to get through the whole game a couple of times with different characters, and played ESO Beta for a few hours this weekend. I think Elder Scrolls appealed to casual gamers like me because it is to immersive and so believable, and I really think that is one of the key appeals that Bethesda should really try to keep in ESO. To that end, here are a few constructive complaints I had about ESO beta:
- I don't like when the enemies glow with a red halo around them once you start attacking them. I understand that this is meant to make them stand out against the background or potential allies, but this really takes away from the immersion because it visually jolts you with the reminder that, "Hey, this is just a game and this is just a bunch of pixels in the game. Here's your enemy; here's where you're supposed to hit." If distinguishing the enemy from the background is necessary, please do so in a subtler way - perhaps a plumb bob like the Sims or a tasteful shadow?
- Others have pointed this point out - having tons of human players running around, literally running the whole time, jumping around, looting everything and generally acting like they're the only person in the game takes away from the immersive experience. This is partially why I couldn't get into WoW. Seeing all the players cluster around the one NPC guy in town we all need to talk to and then running in the same direction to the kill the same enemy takes away from the whole "you're an adventurer, you're the dragonborn" feeling that you get from ES offline. Moreover it limits the movement of the NPCs, as they can't just wander off on a predetermined route to other towns, leaving players just entering the game out of luck in finding them. This might be a toughie since this is true of other MMOs, but I feel like it could be creatively alleviated, such as by only being able to see members of your own team in a given map, instead of everyone on the server. Alternatively, the world would have to be much bigger, to the point where you don't end up with cluster[censored]s left and right.
- A lot of the NPCs look similar to each other, like, creepily similar. Please differentiate their faces by race, gender, age, and features. Although this leads me to a pro about this game - I really like that we can change the height of our avatars! (Now why can't they do this in the Sims!)
- Please make the physics of the game more natural - I feel like my avatar's feet are running on air sometimes with no friction whatsoever. In 2014, this shouldn't still be happening.
I appreciate anyone's response to these points, but mostly, I'd really appreciate if Bethesda took these points seriously before the launch!