I'm playing the new Thief which I picked up day one and have clocked 26 hrs of play time since. Every time I climb up a ledge or sprint and slide I think of the Prey 2 demo and how much more fun I would be having if Thief was set in a Blade Runner or Alien Noire world. Thief has its flaws, you are hunting down loot instead of bounties and you are roaming through a mid evil time not an epic Sci-Fi world. However this is the closest to what I thought a Prey 2 gaming experience would be since I fell in love with the title in 2011. Thief has plenty of side missions, great visuals, large and creatively designed maps, a well thought out single player story, and a freedom of movement only found in games like Mirrors Edge and Dishonored. It may not be for everyone but I am glad I picked it up because it reminds me of the greatness which was Prey 2 and gives me hope that other developers have the chops to come close and other publishers have the sense to stay out of there way.
Also before I catch hell, I played Dishonored and Thief is different in more ways then it is similar and in my opinion much more fun.