Okay my usual picks are : dunmer, bosmer, and khajiit... and for some reason considering others like nord or breton
Now this is a character that's going to be relying on these skills (yes no crafting!)
Stealth (all but dagger bonus)
Light Armor (fully perked)
Archery (fully perked)
Lockpicking (can't avoid it, but no perks)
Speech (see lockpick)
Basic rules:
No fast travel (got a mod that adds more carriages)
Loot intelligently (no grabbing everything, just what's useful or high value light weight items[gems and jewelry mostly])
Use only looted/purchased magic items/potions/poisons
No using skill books (mods are great, don't autoread them..) till later on in levels (selling any that are not for the core triad of skills)
Will not use spells (even in a pinch... exception being if she helps with the mage guild, per the main quest. Can see doing the mage guild as someone learning about magic, even if she don't use it)
Will be amoral, not evil or good... just don't care (so companions, brotherhood, thieves are all viable options)