Here's the thing... Mr House is all hooked on his great longevity, right? I mean bragging on his two hundred years locked in a glorified Nukacola machine with life support tubes in obviously uncomfortable places, and unable to get a breath of air for fear of infections. Now, I gotta say two hundred years is a long time to live (if you call that living), I'm sure, but...
If House is so smart, why is it that the ghouls do it so much better than he does? I mean, sure they look like a spoiled pork roast, disguised as zombies, but I'd way rather be a Beatrix or Bright or a Harland for 200 years than be Mr House trapped in a wannabe cappuccino machine... Besides, they even LOOK and sound better than he does, eh?
Whaddya think? Who wins the longevity challenge, House or the ghouls?