I tried to see if there was an official beta forums, but I have yet to find any links in my emails.... so here it goes. My thoughts....
First off, I love the previous Elder Scrolls single player games. When I logged into this game, I was quite impressed with the graphics, and was very excited, but unfortunately, that is all, and I found it hard to stay interested in the game.
My initial though to the game was that it is unfinished and has not taken into account any of the hard learned lessons from previously released MMOs.
The questing... while each seemed to be a story in itself, and while the story was interesting, I found the experience very unsatisfying, especially when it came to the rewards. I chose a sneaky character, and wanted to dual wield. Most of my quest rewards were items I didn't want... ie staffs, 2h weapons, etc. Please, make it so you have a choice in items. I see nothing wrong with letting us choose between a 1H, 2H, or light, medium, heavy armor rewards. The fact this isn't an option make me believe the game was rushed into production.
While progressing through the various quest lines, some of the final quests, or "mini bosses" seemed very difficult, if not impossible to complete with my class. I don't mind difficult, but at least make the reward reflect the difficulty.
I didn't find one random boss that dropped something cool. This is probably the biggest gripe I have with most MMOs. There should be some soloable content, whether its a random boss, or solo dungeon that offers some fun stuff. Maybe I was unlucky and just didn't find what is out there. This is something that I never had a problem with in the single player games!
I missed not being able to interact with everything like in the single player games... all books, all bags, pots, bookshelves, etc.
Was it me, or was there an option to see a combat log, and exp per kill? I know this wasn't something available in the single player games, but I may not only want to quest. I may want to grind, and not knowing how I am doing is a problem.
With that said, I am still looking forward to the game. I just want to be offered something special... not just pretty graphics and a less sophisticated system than whats already out there. Learn from the others and make this game great! The fan base is there (a fan base that will not allow the "this is an MMO, not a single player game excuse), but if you take away everything that was great in the single player games, I'm afraid you will just have another MMO, just like all the rest, but worse.