Inventory and Bank Space Increased Today

Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:41 pm

there is a max as stated before

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:56 am

Throwing out means you don't get anything for them. If you sell them or give them to others to use you get something out of them.

Gathering is a part of crafting. If you are not willing to gather then just how dedicated can you call yourself.

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:13 pm

its not that hes not willing to gather its that he thinks its BULL&&&& that we have to go back and gather low level mats to help some random new player because we arent allowed any storage space to store xtra mats more thing that points at the fact zenimax just wants us to peeveepee and forget about building friendships/communities etc

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Kaley X
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:18 am

I'm saying if one is going to call themselves a dedicated anything then doing all parts of that pastime fun or not is implied. You can't really call yourself a dedicated something if you're only willing to do the fun aspects of it and skip the un-fun aspects.

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Noraima Vega
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:55 am

Well, thats a start. But when I asked for a higher starting inventory, I meant more than 10 lol. Perhaps I should have been more specific.
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:56 pm

Don't put words in my mouth now. I never said i am not willing to gather. What I don't want is to re-gather the same mats I had but had to get rid of.

Having to get rid of mats I will later need just because of lack of space and re-gathering them later is only a waste of time. It's like putting a cap on how much gold you can have. Everything over the limit gets left behind. Makes no sense and is not in anyone's benefit.

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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:22 am

Was using you as in you in general. The other poster clearly stated he was unwilling to go gather mats in low lvl zones.

and welcome to MMO's. There are caps on things you can do, including gold which most MMOs do have a cap. You can't use every skill at the same time, you can't just keep maxing a stat there is caps. There are always limits based on the game design.

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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:59 pm

Of course there are limits. We are arguing about where the limit should be, not that there should be no limits.

It can be done. It's easy to do. It harms nothing. It's useful. So why not implement a crafting inventory?

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:57 am

if I want a guild for me and my 7 alts then I should be able to have it

For only you and your alts? Kind of defeats the purpose of guilds.

if i want a guild bank for me and my alts then I should be able to have 1

Again, for only you and your alts? That's a loophole that needed to be closed.

if i want to gather every crafting material on the planet and save it then I should be able to do so and there should be enough space to allow me to do so

You can and there is.

if i want to group with a couple brand new players and help them out on some quests then i should be able to do so

Pretty sure you still can, with a couple of exceptions.

if i am teaching my young son how to play mmo's and i want to group with him then i should be able to do so

What's stopping you?

if i want to trade an item to another player in my group then I should be able to do so

Bug. That's been stated many, many, many times and is probably already fixed so this is a non-issue.

if i want to roll need/greed on items in a chest in a dungeon then i should be able to do so the current ninja chest system that is in place is worthless

Ok, I suppose that could possibly need some work, but it's hardly a gamebreaking issue. Really not a whole lot different than finding a mineral node in a dungeon though.

if i want to collect every vanity pet ever to be created in this game then i should be able to do so that includes the mudcrab and the monkey and whatever other pet i want to get eventually

Nothing stopping you.

if i want to save some armor for my alts in my bank then i should be able to do so

That's exactly why the bank is shared. You put the armor in the bank and bingo, you're alt already has it even if you haven't created the alt yet.

All in all, doesn't really justify the drama of refunds and such IMO, but it's entirely your choice.

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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:27 pm

I don't think I understand, what made you think that in the first place? Isn't it that players adept to the game and if the majority of players in said game is having strong opinions about something then the supplier will change it for their custumers? Which seems to be the case here because a lot of people have complained about bag space issues... or maybe you're sarcastic? I don't know :blush:

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Nicholas C
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:41 am

The only thing changed is the perception of storage space as well as low level storage slot. Nothing changes at all for those who already got them all.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 4:52 am

A subdued "yay" from over this corner, though if they increased bank size would've preferred it to become an individual bank and not shared any more. Would've been a resounding "yay" if they'd added crafting mats storage, which would actually solve the problem.

An extra 10 per character and 30 across the account won't solve the real issue of crafting storage.

Wait - just read this isn't an increase at all to endgame storage sizes - it's just a starter boost. The end result will still give us the same size storage as before.

Right, thanks but no...bag space issue still exists.

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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:34 am


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